This video should be pretty self explanatory........
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Crazy Life
Well, I guess I am a huge slacker since I haven't posted anything in so long. We are getting ready for christmas, and a long car ride "home" to see family for the weekend, and thus will do some decorating for christmas when we get back.
We had a great thanksgiving. It was just us, and I cooked way too much! But it all turned out so delicious, I just wish the kids would have eaten more. William got his first taste for turkey, and all Teagan would eat was the turkey. We started the day out by watching some of the Macy's day parade, and then Jason went to play football with the guys from church, we came back and ate, then poor Jason had to go into work.
The next day was Jason's birthday so we hung the Birthday Banner and made him wear the birthday head gear and had a little party. Teagan was so excited about the banner being up and kept saying that it was her birthday. Jason enjoyed the crazy lu''s cheesecake and Teagan enjoyed the blueberries off the top of it.
We are just getting over William's first ear infection, and thanks to amoxicilan (sp) is feeling soooo much better. He was very clingy and followed me through the house for the two days before we could get into the doctor. Teagan had a little head cold too, but both are doing so much better.
I have been getting ready for the marathon in Feb. and running like crazy. So far I have accomplished 17 miles and have another long run coming up of 20 miles, but I got a baby sitter for that day, so hopefully it will make it a little easier.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Disney and soforth

Well we took a trip to Disney World a few weeks ago and had a blast. Of course we had a few temper tantrums to deal with along the way, but that was to be expected. I decided that William got the good conduct award for the trip, he was excellent, even in the heat. Teagan loved getting to see where Cinderella lives and told me, "be quiet, Cinderella is sleeping". She had a big time, and so did her daddy, I can't count how many times he rode Pirates of the carribean or the haunted mansion. All in all it was a great trip, and many thanks go to jason's parents for taking us!!!!
Since the trip, it has been back to the same ol', I did however take the kids to get their pictures made and teagan really enjoyed cheesing it up for the camera. We also took William to the beach for his first official beach trip. We have been a few times since he was born, but this was the first time we stayed for the day and enjoyed it. He enjoyed lying on a blanket under an umbrella, while Jason, Teagan and I made a sandcastle. We tried to take him in the water but everytime the water touched his feet, he would.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
catching up...
Well it has been a little while and the babies are growing up. Mr. William has learned how to roll over (from belly to back) and did so the first time on the 12th of June. He is now giggling and smiling like crazy. Teagan is good at grabbing his attention and he follows her intently as she moves around the room. She makes him giggle, and loves to stick her finger in his belly and say, "Goochie Goo". Her little vocabulary is increasing everyday, and she knows how to communicate how she is feeling, for instance, when she is mad she will say, "I am crying right now...those people are looking at me...or leave me alone". She loves to "pretend" to read signs and books and when you ask what it says, she always replies, " P.S. Teagan, don't touch anything". She has even come in our room in the middle of the night, and said it when standing at the end of the bed. I know, she is our little nut, and why she says that, we have no idea.
I have started training for a marathon and every saturday, the kids and i leave the house by 6:30 to go meet the training group at the river. I am enjoying it, it has become my out, and I am beginning to meet a lot of new people, and Teagan loves it too i think. When we get home we watch cartoons for a little while, and by 10:30 all of us, excluding daddy who is usually at work, are back asleep. I love that part of my week.
Daddy has been working hard for us at the jacksonville airport and was cussed out by his first customer the other day. I think he was a little taken back by the choice of language, but seemed to handle it well. Teagan says daddy works at the "peeport" and loves the rare occasions that we visit him at work.
Monday, April 20, 2009
How Life has Changed

Well our sweet baby William Norrell was born on March the 9th at 11:59 am. He weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. He looks a lot like his daddy to me, but sometimes I look at him and think I see a lot of my side in him too. I went in for the induction at 5:00 am after only an hour of sleep. The doctor came in around 7 and broke my water, so it didn't take him too long to get here. We only pushed for about 30 minutes and out he came! Unlike last birth with his sister Teagan, Daddy got to cut the cord. I think it was a good bonding experience for Jason's first son.
As for Teagan, I think she is glad to have the little fellow around. She calls him "bumble boy", and "Baby Broder", although she also referred to him in the hospital as "master William". She loves to kiss on him and she says that she is glad he lives with us. She gets a little jealous at times, but that is to be expected. I think the hardest times for her are when she wakes up in the middle of the night and can't get in the bed with mom and dad. This also makes for hard nights for mom, putting Teagan back in her bed, and then it seems like just a few minutes later the boy is up, but you do what you have to do, right?
The sleep deprivation part seems to be weening its way out, Thank Goodness and I am starting to get used to having two bumbles around, and look forward to the days that jason has off. I was worried how I would handle it after my mom left the first week, and then on the night jason went back to work, I was nervous, but most nights it goes alright.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Well we are waiting everyday for baby number two. William should be here in March, and hopefully not any sooner. Although I haven't put on much weight, I feel like I am so huge. So the last few months I have been taking a belly pic, so I can see how things are changing. Teagan does not quite understand about there being a baby in my belly and tries to jump on it and I have to remind her that there is a baby inside and she could hurt him.
As for the potty training, she is doing really well. I was on line the other night and she was behind the chair looking out the window grunting...... I knew we had to run to the potty. Of course anytime she needs to poop you are not allowed to leave the bathroom, you have to close the door all the way, and no exhaust fan is allowed. Needless to say, it can get a little stinky. When she is done she says "Dump it", which I usually make her daddy do, unless he is not home, then I try my best to "Dump it" but always end up puking in the long run.
Everyday Teagan acts like a kitty cat and will lick you on the face and meow! or she will be a puppy dog and pant.... She is getting a cute imagination, but the kitty cat thing can get a little old sometimes.
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